Monday, May 30, 2011

Watershed Center for the Ceramic Artss

Hello My lovely little family,

Well if Maine is not a state considered a junebug heaven then I am not sure one exists. There are an incredible amount here. I should have started a collection.

I have been here since last Wednesday, and it has been an amazing time. Too good to be true, too overwhelmed to put things into words. I would stay here if I could, I just may stay a little while longer.

The fact that I have graduated hasn't really sunk in yet, I am just starting to get concerned about the fall and its unsurity to where I may be. But I have a feeling I will be just fine. I was thinking of contacting a woman I know and love that runs Bluseed Studios out of Saranac Lake to see if I could start a residency come fall. I have yet to make that desicion yet. She has told me to do a residency there on several occasions but I wanted to get out and see a bit more before I headed back to familiarity.

I will write more later or at another time. I love you all and hope that you all are well.
xoxo JoJo

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Greetings: Future Plans and Giving Thanks

Hello my beautiful family.
So, I started this blog with the intention of updating far more often then I have managed to so far. But, since I have not written here is so long I have a whole lot more to write about. So that is a good trade off I would think.

To start off I will supply you all with some dates for my future plans/ events:

March 27th to April 2nd:
Headed down the East Coast to Tampa FL. The National Conference for the Education of Ceramic Arts is taking place there. Its a half of a week of lectures, galleries, and artist talks on Ceramics. I can not wait to be fully surrounded by people and artists of all ages that share the same interests. There is bound to be an overwhelming amount of good artistic energy, inspiration, as well as several chances for me to meet studio owners, and graduate professors so that I can make some connections. I am beaming just writing about this. I can not wait. Plus, I am headed down with three really great girls that are equally interested in ceramics and having a good road-trip time. I will make sure to take lots of pictures so that I can put them on here (granted I have a working camera).

April 16th: Senior Art Exhibition Opening, I have to give a speech (kind of wishing I had taken a public speaking class in college instead of weaseling out of it by taking an English class). If you can make it I would be really excited. I have a lot of work to do by then, but I will get it done. My classmates will have a lot of interesting work as well and we would all really appreciate the support.

May 21st: Graduation at 2pm. Plattsburgh State Field House.

May 25th- June 3rd: Work exchange at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts. I am headed to Newcastle Maine to work at their studio in exchange for studio use. Its a good opportunity in the event that I ever apply for a residency there.

June 10th- June 24th: I have a studio assistantship with my printmaking professor Diane Fine at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. An explanation of the class can be viewed at that link as well as subsequent information about Penland.

June 27th- July 22nd: Alfred Summer Ceramics, Summer School Program. Alfred is the best school for Ceramics Arts in the country/world. By attending this program I will not only learn a whole lot about the world of Ceramic Arts but I will make a huge impact on my resume so that I will be more likely to get selected for future residency opportunities and assistantships. I have yet to be able to register, I can't until the 14th of March, but I am really hoping to get into this program.

I am applying for work study/ work exchanges and residencies that will start in August and may run into the Fall. All in all, I have a lot going on within the next year and years to come. I am really looking forward to seeing the country, and I have also been looking at opportunities that I may have abroad.  Grad school is not something that I am looking to do for a while, but I will be there eventually. In the art world it is common for artists to hold off until they are in their 30s, and I will probably wait until I am around 27 or 28. I will keep you posted of course.

       I really appreciate all of the support that I have gotten from you all. I know that there was what I will call.. controversy in the past about my attending school for Art, and I am glad that I have changed some of your minds. Plattsburgh is definitely not a top art school, nor is it in a thriving art area. But, I would not swap my experiences here for anything. I have created some bonds with the professors and the community here that I would not have had the chance to make at a top art school.  Making it in the art world is a hard task, but it is feasible. All you really need is a driven spirit and some good ideas. I am not saying that you will see me exhibiting in the MoMA some day, but I will be happy to make enough of a living to afford a quaint country house and a small studio that I can sell my functional work and teach some workshops out of to those who are interested. I went to school for art so that I can live a life that surrounds me with things that I love. I love art, I love the company of fellow artists, I love mud, I love color, and I would love a simple life.  Even the little comments and interest in what you have seen so far of my artwork really makes me happy and grateful for your support. Thank you.

I love you all very much, see you soon.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hello Girls

        So, I have created this blogs with the hopes that it will be a simplistic way to keep in touch with you. I don't care to have a facebook/twitter type thing. In my opinion and experience they distract people from what and who really matters and involve way too many people in our daily activities. It's a New Year, and with each new year comes a chance for a new beginning, or so they say. I have yet to complete a resolution, but this one seems simple enough. To attempt to stay in touch. So I am creating this blog for you. It will be family friendly, mainly for  you girls, and Mom and Dad, if they choose to view it. Also, I think it will be nice to keep a record for myself that I can look back on. I aim to write in here once a week, even if I am feeling as though I don't have much to say. I have a lot to do so if I sit down once a week to write something, and I don't feel as though I did anything in the past week, then that is a problem.

      I guess I will start by saying that I am sorry for not being the best at staying in touch in the past and I am sorry if this ever offended or concerned any of you, its just not in my nature, it doesn't mean that I don't care, I am just easily distracted and quite forgetful.

Here is a few pictures from my life that I took over the past year. But, my camera broke over the past semester when I was at Bluseed Studios in Saranac Lake so... these may be the lone images for a while. Enjoy. Love you all.

The top of Sliver Lake Mountain in June

Ausable Chasm the same day

Ausable Point the same day

Lake George on our camping trip

Brass Band when Olivia and I went to Montreal's Jazz Festival this summer

sideway picture of my favorite ADK swimming hole

Yeah the water is a bit brown but The Flum is a alot of fun after the rain

Old Orchard Bead when Jen and I escaped to Maine

Ocean... burrrrr

Paige at her finest when  came across Fashion Week up in Montreal

Lights of Montreal at night

Atop Catamount Day 2

Cabins on side of Rt 9 coming back from Thanksgiving

Candle wall pieces I made this past semester

Sculpture with porcelain rings and woven strips of wood

A few of the wall pieces I made this past semester: 
